Starting price: 1.743.750.000 VNĐ
Has scarlet over and through the body.
- Has a highly transparence.
- Has clear and well-proportion star rays.
With the above characteristics, the two star ruby gemstones are evaluated as excellent and highly valuable. The two gemstones are mounted with natural diamonds and white gold to make a beautiful set of jewellery." />
Star ruby is one of the rarest gemstones in the world. Due to the excessive exploitation, the gemstone resource seems to be depleted and now it can be only discovered in few countries.
In recent years, this precious stone has been discovered and mined in the Tân Hương quarry, Yên Bái province.
This is a jewellery set of two star ruby gemstones from Yên Bái, Vietnam, with characteristics as followings:
- Has scarlet over and through the body.
- Has a highly transparence.
- Has clear and well-proportion star rays.
With the above characteristics, the two star ruby gemstones are evaluated as excellent and highly valuable. The two gemstones are mounted with natural diamonds and white gold to make a beautiful set of jewellery.